a leader's clients the five tyes of clients

A Leader’s Clients; The 5 Types of Clients and What They Need Most From You!

Whether you’re in a leadership position, an employee, or an entrepreneur you care for, serve...
a leader's suffering, thumbnail with a tired and stressed person at a laptop

A Leader’s Suffering; The 4 Keys to Turning Your Professional Suffering into Leadership!

I’ve experienced the pain and the opportunity of suffering! Professionally, I remember being promoted due...

A Leader’s “Squozen”; The 5 Keys to Lead through the Squeeze of Leadership!

I’ll never forget a former boss of mine walking into the office in a frazzled...
a leaders mediation, keys to leading a successful mediation

A Leader’s Mediation; The 5 Keys to Leading a Successful Mediation!

At some point in your career as a leader, you’ll experience the pain and pleasure...

A Leader’s Interview; The 7 Questions to Enhance Your Leadership & Impact Your New Employees or Team Members!

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of hiring awesome people into my company, my...
a leaders email

A Leader’s E.M.A.I.L; The 5 Keys to Email & Connect Like a Leader!

Emails you know those things that relentlessly pile up in your inbox providing you important...
a leaders line

A Leader’s L.I.N.E.; The 4 Keys of Protecting Your Professional Line in The Sand!

We all have our line (or lines) in the sand we prefer our organization, boss...

A Leader’s White-Knuckling; The 3 Keys to Handling the Anxiety Leaders Feel After Delegating Tasks!

As an “Inspired & Motivated” employee or person, you like your work, excel at your...
yen a leaders blueprint

A Leader’s Blueprint; The 4 Keys to Teaching Your People How Best to Approach You!

Front-Line Employees tend to have fantastic ideas that would benefit customers, their coworkers, leaders, and...


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