M&W Blog – Its Always “Too Something”

In today’s hectic pace of life, you are busy! Busy with work, with the kids, the schedule, the house, etc. You are moving at warp speed; getting things done and checked off the list… only to wake up tomorrow and repeat. At this pace, it’s always going to be “Too Something”. Too busy to slow down, too busy to take a vacation, too busy to date your partner, too tired to be intimate, too comfortable to meet new people, too comfortable to change… always too something.

There is no one willing to give you more time. It’s the most valuable asset you have and you will need to take it and make it, in order to live your best life and EVOLVE. Take time and make to time spend with yourself to relax, plan, and recharge. Take time and make time to spend with your significant other; date, relax, talk, and be! Take time and make time to date your children; get to know them without the schedule of events and command statements… or else it will always be “Too Something” to have the relationships you want, live the life you want, or become who you want.

What have you/are you missing out on because it’s “Too Something”? What will you take and make time for, allowing you and your relationships to EVOLVE?Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

It's Always "Too Something" - Andre Young