Enhance your Leadership & Work/Life Harmony and that of those you’re leading with Andre Young’s Evolve & Lead Online Training Program; sharpening leadership skills you already have and adding few tools to your toolbox you may have never thought of! The Elite Packages impacts your entire organization with a cohort for your C-Suite & Middle Management, a cohort for more Front-Line Employees, and The Leader’s Library for ongoing and shorter Leadership Lunch & Learns for everyone!
Elite Subscriber
One time annual payment of $4,999:
– A Cohort for your C-Suite & Middle Management
– A Cohort for more Front-Line Employees
– The Leader’s Library for ongoing shorter Leadership Lunch & Learns for Everyone! The Library can be used in between Cohort Sessions, with various Teams or Individuals throughout your organization, or can be added in your existing annual training schedule via your LMS System!
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