Watch the “I’s” and Build the “We’s”

“I”, the most important and dangerous pronoun in the English language. “I” refers to you, all that you are, all that you believe, all that you have become, and all that you can achieve. “I” represents your present, past, future; making you who you are. There’s no wonder why “I” is so important. When we are born, we are only concerned with “I”. What you need and want at the most basic level of feeding, cleaning, soothing, and bonding. As a child, “I” is all about pleasure, fun, and impulses. As a teen, “I” is engulfed with figuring out who you are and want you’d like to become; hard to see how you and all of your decisions will impact yourself and others for a lifetime.

As life continues, a funny thing happens to “I”… it becomes “We”. You find yourself in relationships with a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. You may have a few kids, and that “We” gets even bigger. “We” is in your job, in your home, and everywhere you look. Sometimes it can be difficult to go from “I” to “We”; and “We” can become so dominating you may wonder does “I” have a place any longer, and we lose our “I”. This is a hard time as you can become bored, on auto-pilot, resentful, depressed, and make understandable but selfish and harmful decisions for “I”.

So what’s the right thing to do? Whose going to win the war between “I” vs. “We”? The truth is they are both important, but in healthy relationships and all roles you play…”If the “I’s” outnumber the “We’s”, then you will lose”.

You are important and need to care for yourself; making sure you are emotionally, psychologically, and physically full; allowing you to be your best self as an individual, partner, parent, worker, son/daughter, sibling etc. However, “We” is essential in displaying love, resect, care, trust, and teamwork within your marriage, family, and work. Have you ever argued with someone that kept saying, “I do this”, “I do that”, I, I, I, I! How does that make you feel? It’s important to claim your thought, feelings and beliefs; staring with “I”, but if it’s not followed up with “We”… you will lose. I feel this…, I would like things to change, so WE can be better and move forward, and get happy together… sounds better right? The next time you are listening or talking, count the amount of “I’s”. The next time you are talking, try substituting some of your “I’s” with “We”. Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at

written by: Andre Young

Watch the "I's" and Build the "We's" - Andre Young