M&W Blog – “Jam Out”

Have you ever been driving and catch someone in their car jamming out to a song, singing it with all their might and dancing? Have you ever been that person? I love when you make eye contact with that person, they know they’re caught… and they are not embarrassed! I admire that person. That person is in the moment, loving life, and comfortable with themselves for the time being! Doesn’t that sound great and a life worth living?

How many of us clam up when we are caught being ourselves, worried about being judged, and wear a mask all day long to hide who we really are and what we really think? I am not suggesting anarchy as you wake up and begin your day tomorrow and of course there is a time and place for appropriate behavior in different social settings. But life is also worth living and there needs to be time for you to be you and enjoy all that life has to offer without fear of judgment, criticism, and anxiety. For some of us, we find this in a night out with friends, or playing sports, doing your favorite hobby, or with family. As long as your freedom doesn’t impede or trample on someone else’s’…create a time and place to enjoy, live, and EVOLVE!

What makes you feel most free and like yourself? Explain. Where do you feel most free and like yourself? Explain. How do you “Jam Out” and enjoy the various roles you play as a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, son/daughter, brother/sister, professional, etc.? I want to read your thoughts, share with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Jam Out - Andre Young

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