A Leader’s Holiday, 5 Steps to Lead Through the Stop & Starts of the Holiday Season!

As a leader within an organization, you know the craziness that comes with holidays; employees...

A Leader’s 3 P’s; The Prerequisites for Your Employees… and Leaders!

Have you ever shopped at a store and when it was time to be served...

A Leader’s List; Know & Respect the Lists of Your People!

Lists you know that tornado of “To-Do’s” swirling around your head of all the things...

A Leader’s Butt-Kicking; How to Take a Butt-Kicking When You Thought Your Were Right or Knew You Were Wrong!

During my Speaking Engagements and Trainings for organizations, I often share with leaders how to...

A Leader’s Hybrid Magic; 4 Ways to Lead in a Hybrid Work Environment!

My heart and respect go out to the organizations, leaders, teams, and employees working through...

A Leader’s Ego; Evolve your ego to Enhance your Leadership!

The EGO one of the most powerful little words of all time; the presence of...

A Leader’s Team; Utilizing Your 5 Rockstars!

I’d like to preface by stating, EVERYONE within your organization and Team is and can...

A Leader’s Delegation; The 3 BIG Wins of Delegating and How to Do It?

The delegation of responsibilities would appear to be a logical part of leadership; and in...

A Leader’s Sell; The 5 Steps to Sell like a Leader!

It may seem odd I’m writing about selling as a Professional Speaker, Author, and Leadership...