a leader's 30, the first month leading your team

A Leader’s 30; The First Month Leading Your New Team!

To me, there’s nothing worse than a Dream-Killer I have a few pet peeves and...

A Leader’s Boundaries; The 4 Fundamentals of Setting Boundaries!

Boundaries, what a powerful word Boundaries work to set limits, expectations, and standards; three things...

A Leader’s Doorway; 4 Keys to Maintain the Harmony of Your “Open Door” Policy!

You’ve been there as a leader, you’re working in your office and someone knocks at...
a leaders ingredients, four ingredients to success

A Leader’s Ingredients; The 4 Ingredients to Become and Build Successful Leaders!

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you; cooking isn’t my thing! I don’t...

A Leader’s “Squozen”; How to lead through the squeeze of leadership!

I’ll never forget a former boss of mine walking into the office in a frazzled...

A Leader’s Solution; How to give “The Answer”… enhancing your leadership and theirs!

Sometimes, as a leader within an organization or team, you will have to give “The...
A Leader's Caution - The 5 Types of Managers as discussed with You Evolving Now

A Leader’s Caution; The 5 Types of Managers!

I’d like to preface this by saying this is no knock on anyone in a...

A Leader’s Push; Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should Leadership!

To me, Leadership is synonymous with coaching and mentorship! The job is to guide toward...
Andre Young owner of You Evolving Now provides inspirational and training videos to help individuals better themselves and be happy.

A Leader’s Priority Quadrant; An excerpt from my book, 7 Ways to Lead!

I pride myself on being a hard worker, a smart worker, dedicated to my craft...