When Enough is Enough!
It’s scary how people can become comfortable with almost anything. If it happens to you...
Success is a Language
Did you know, You Evolving Now began because of language? Actually, for a lot of...
Working Smarter vs. Working Harder
After all those years of schooling, plus your natural ability, determination, and work ethic you...
EVOLVE with 5!
Something happens and you have a thought, a perception, a judgment. You value your thoughts...
You Evolving Now Blog: Is Your Dream Depreciating?
Dreaming is amazing! All things are possible in your dreams; the colors more vivid, the...
Take the You Evolving Now Challenge! Say 3 things you are grateful for. Say 3...
You Evolving Now Blog – No Shame on the Ground Floor!
Vision is an awesome thing; vision for your life, your future, professionally, personally, and relationally...
You Evolving Now Blog – Hurt People hurt people
My brother and I don’t see each other often, but when we do we have...
Time for a Relationship Board Meeting?
What do you think of when you hear the phrase boardroom meeting? It may be...