Couple Power!

Anytime you say “All” or “Every”, you are wrong. This does not apply to all or every relationship. Through my experiences as a marriage counselor, Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, as a man, and person… it has amazed me how much power and decision-making is thrusted upon and dumped on women within a relationship. Some women revel in the power and glory of making the decisions, the free reign to decorate, manage the money, and the duties of the home that go unknown to their significant other. However, most women… didn’t ask for this total power, the weight of the crown, and would really like some help.

I came to this conclusion over the years, but it really hit home while furniture shopping. As an observer of people, I saw many couples shopping and almost every time… when the woman asked their partner’s opinion, the man said “I don’t know, it’s up to you.” And this look of aloneness came over the women’s face. Some men really do not care about furniture or decorating, some don’t want an argument, others are living what their parents did, and some men have turned off their thinking button and forfeited everything to their significant other because they do it better, know more, are willing, or don’t demand a real partner in the life-process and decision making process.

The look on the women’s face said so much… primarily that they were asking for a partnership and for men to remain relevant within the day-to-day of the relationship, at home, and in life. As men, you are lucky to have a woman that CAN and is WILLING to take on so much… but should they have to?

Let’s EVOLVE and practice Couple Power! There are many things you are great at and your partner is great at; providing a wonderful balance within your relationship. As men when you are asked your opinion, don’t forfeit your power, your taste, your wants and desires. You too live in your relationship, your home, and your life. It’s an awful feeling to wake up one day resenting everything because you handed over all power and know-how to someone who didn’t even ask for it! Don’t disappear within your relationship. Women, it’s a two-way street… If you ask for an opinion… can you respect it, if it’s not the vision you saw in your head? There’s no reason for him to give his opinion if he has to argue about it, is always wrong, and talked down to. In past blogs and my book, I discuss the Relationship Board Meeting… a regular scheduled meeting allowing you and your partner to discuss all things big and small… from the kids to the style of carpet… allowing you Couple Power! It’s not “Happy Wife Happy Life” it’s “Happy Home Happy Life”! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

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