The Book Shop

Andre has written several books over the years, each packed with more experience and advice than the last. Find all methods of purchasing these books below.

The Leader's Toolbox

Whether someone has been a leader for forty years or forty minutes—there’s always room to grow and evolve! Andre Young’s The Leader’s Toolbox is designed to enhance leadership skills for those in leadership positions and for that of those they're leading!

You can find The Leader’s Toolbox at these retailers:

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1631959239
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1631959233

Amazon | Barns & Noble

the leaders toolbox book

7 Ways to Lead

And if you're looking for more ways to improve your organization through stronger leadership, check out Andre's other book: 7 Ways to Lead

7 Ways to Lead shares common sense and easy to use insight to enhance your Leadership Skills, Personal Leadership Skills, and Work/Life Harmony!

You can find 7 Ways to Lead at these retailers:
ISBN: 9781631950919

AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks A Million | IndieBound

seven ways to lead book

The Leader's Toolbox Workbook

Become the Leader your team needs. Enhance your Leadership and Work/Life Harmony using these action items.

This Workbook can be helpful on its own or using it alongside Andre's The Leader's Toolbox Webinar or Live Speaking events.

Order Now!

7 Ways to Love


My 7 Ways to Love shares how to have an EVOLVED relationship with your partner, those close to you, and most importantly… YOURSELF!

Throughout my years as a Mental Health Counselor, Founder & CEO of You Evolving Now, a Person, Partner, and Parent… I am excited to present the 7 key points that prove to make or break relationships and life satisfaction. As you read and EVOLVE, I encourage you to think about the message, ponder my questions… and most importantly… live your answers!
You Evolving Now is a global social club that focuses on positivity, healthy living, personal development, self improvement and life enrichment to help you improve yourself and get more our of life. We are based in Berks County and work with loacl colleges like Kutztown and Alvernia!



Curiosity didn't kill the cat... it saved the relationship!

You are in a relationship with yourself, your partner, your children, co-workers, etc; Stay curious and learn more with a compilation of quotes and questions you’ve never even thought to ask… ending with do you know your partner’s answers, your kid’s?
You Evolving Now is a global social club that focuses on positivity, healthy living, personal development, self improvement and life enrichment to help you improve yourself and get more our of life. We are based in Berks County and work with loacl colleges like Kutztown and Alvernia!