About Us

you evolving now banner with andre young, leadership and work life harmony


I’m Andre Young; speaker, author, and Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC. I have taken my 19 years of experience as a Mental Health Therapist and focused on marital, individual, and group counseling. Along with my life-altering experiences as an individual, athlete, employee, and business owner, I created a movement of Positive Living, Personal Growth, Relationship Growth, Healthy Living, and Lifestyle Enhancement. Through this movement, we are enhancing Work/Life Harmony and Leadership on-site for Companies and Schools!

Although, I value the profession of Mental Health, I wanted to create something new, different, and out-of-the box. Something focused on positivity, building-up, empowering, and without stigma. Something people can be excited about and leave motivated and inspired to make an impact in every role of their lives and in the lives of others! You Evolving Now is designed to meet the “busy” person where they are… at work, at school, and on their phone, giving them what they need, but too busy to seek until it’s too late! EVOLVE with our in-person speaking engagements and in-person and online leadership programs at your side to better yourself and make an impact inside and outside of work!

Most of us will go to the dentist when their tooth hurts bad enough. What if you could avoid some of life’s biggest pains and be proactive in your relationships and in your work. Would you do it? Of course you would!

I have lived in inner-city row homes to 5,000 sq. ft. luxury homes, from being married, divorced, and remarried, played sports at every level from high school to professional, been an employee, business owner, and self-employed, written 4 books, have four amazing kids, and a wonderful wife… and the truth is… no matter where you go or what you experience, people are the same as they are different. Their attention may be on different things, they may look different… but people all want the same thing: The best life possible for themselves and their families, doing the best they can with who they currently are and what they currently know, and healthy living. I enjoy being able to impact Work/Life Harmony and Leadership; allowing Employees, Athletes, and Students to live their best lives as People, Partners, Parents, Professionals, and more!

EVOLVE your Company, Employees, Teams, and your Life with You Evolving Now!


Andre Young

You Evolving Now  Founder & President

Email: andre@youevolvingnow.com

Phone: 1-888-381-6063