Your Vision’s Process!

Of all the senses… your vision may be listed as the favorite or, at least, the most useful. The ability to see and witness beauty first-hand, see the face of the one you love, possess the ability to read the cues of others, and the wonderours sight of all the colors our world has to offer. Vision is also important in your evolution as a person, a partner, parent, professional etc… YOUR vision for your life allows a picture for your definition of success in these areas; as well as something to strive for, achieve, and enjoy. Try this… close your eyes… add ten years to your life…How old will you be? Say the number aloud. What is your vision for yourself as an individual, a husband/wife, a Mom/Dad, Professional, sibling, etc.? Did you see your vision?

Seeing your vision is only the first step and should be noted with a realistic warning. WARNING: Your vision is awesome, however if you will only be happy when you reach your desired vision… you are dooming yourself and your relationships to an unfulfilled and joyless life. The path to your vision will most likely not be a straight line and it is monumentally important you find joy, meaning in the experience, and grow from all of the emotions on the journey. Again, your vision is awesome; however… you may miss what success really looks like and feels like if it must exactly fit the picture you see in your head. Allow for life to add a few of its own brushstrokes to your picture… it will anyway… the quicker you can accept this… the faster you will EVOLVE!

Your vision will guide you, but the process you chose to develop will lead your day-to-day. Many people have a vision of being rich, fantasize about the money, the lifestyle, and how much they will give to their loved ones! It’s an exhilarating vision we all have… but success will be determined by your daily process. What daily process will you begin in order to be a better and healthier you, a better husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, professional, parent, son/daughter, etc.? Your vision is awesome; your vision’s process is better! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

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