Remember the old movies, or perhaps your childhood, when two boys were talking trash and squaring off in the school yard? Randomly, someone would start the chant… fight, fight, fight! Out of nowhere, the crowd would form and watch the spectacle commence. I am not promoting violence or physical altercation, but I am promoting that you fight, fight, fight for the life of your dreams, the relationship of your dreams, and the right to feel worthy, competent, and able to achieve it! As you fight, let the crowd gather to watch the battle… you will be surprised who will join your fight, who you will become and role model to, who will encourage you and provide the support when you get tired. But… to get all of this… they have to know you are in a fight and see you swinging!
Many are droning throughout the day… you may be one of them… droning throughout your relationship, your job, and your life. Are you simply existing, drowning in your life, and accepting anything or anyone that make your feel remotely appreciated? THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LIFE!
You must first accept where you are, who you are, and how you got there. Acknowledge your strengths, positives, and desires in all roles you play and aspects of life as an: individual, partner, parent, sibling, son/daughter, friend, etc. Second, on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the greatest), rate yourself in each role. What is your number… there is no shame in any number… there is only the understanding of what that number means to you. What would you have to do in to move up a number in each role you play?
Third, develop a vision and mission for your life. Allow your purpose to be your motivation and your plan to become your habit and new lifestyle. Fourth, build your team… only those that are positive, challenging, and bring support to building into your life.
You will benefit immensely from practicing gratitude and giving; allowing you to grow and enhance those around you. Karma is real and you will want to be on the right side of it when it comes back around. Lastly, learn how to love yourself and others. Find out more about how to love when my newest book, 7 Ways to Love launches this spring! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!
written by: Andre Young