Be a Billboard!

Driving down the highway, you see so many billboards. Some are funny, some informational, some clever, and some create intrigue. These billboards seem simple as you go on your journey and whiz pass them, but there is so much unseen work and effort that goes into that simple billboard. What should it look like? What should it say? Where should it go? What colors typically catch the eye and are more visually stimulating? Should it say more or less? And the list goes on and on! The end product is this huge sign with a picture and a few words that tells you what it is, where it is, what it does, and that you should have it!

The point is… YOU are your own billboard. Hundreds of people pass you daily. They observe what you look like, sound like, smell like, think like, and what you have to offer. You are marketing yourself every day and don’t know it. You are marketing yourself as an individual, professional, husband/boyfriend, wife/girlfriend, friend, son/daughter, grandparent, etc. Currently, what is your billboard saying? What do you want it to say?

The best thing is… you are the entire advertising crew for your billboard. You have total control! How you speak, how you choose to react, what you choose to learn, what you choose to unlearn, how you choose to present yourself, who you choose to surround yourself with. This is all you! An effective billboard will share knowledge, create intrigue, and invite others who are like-minded and interested. As you create your billboard… the like-minded and interested will be attracted and come to you. Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts with me at

written by: Andre Young

Be a Billboard!- Andre Young