Hold It Up!
Embarrassing moments, hard-earned life lessons, setbacks, and poor decisions are all a part of life...
Hold It Up!
Embarrassing moments, hard-earned life lessons, setbacks, and poor decisions are all a part of life...
Forget Happily Ever-After and EVOLVE!
Reading the final page and words of our favorite fairy tale books have set more...
Marry Yourself!
Years ago, Dennis Rodman, a NBA superstar made news for marrying himself. I remember watching...
“Are you hurt or are you injured?”
In the 90’s, there was a great movie that depicted the lure of college football...
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Remember the old movies, or perhaps your childhood, when two boys were talking trash and...
On Your Death Bed
Throughout your life, you have many scary moments in which you narrowly escaped trouble, big...
Earn the Right to Ask!
Sales is all about providing a solution for your customer’s problem, connecting, then closing. Your...
Be a Billboard!
Driving down the highway, you see so many billboards. Some are funny, some informational, some...