The Power of Your Words!
Remember the old saying, “Stick and stones may break your bones, but words will never...
Perfect Practice!
The saying, “Practice makes perfect”, gives credit to an individual’s or team’s effort, discipline, and...
Forgive or Not to Forgive
Forgiveness is such an immense topic and dictates the lives of so many for better...
Peace of Mind is not Free!
Peace of Mind Everyone wants it, few ever really get it, and even fewer maintain...
Disrobe and EVOLVE!
Everyone has a past things that have happened to you, things you’ve done, and choices...
Cheaters Beware!
The typical thought that may come to mind when you hear the word “Cheater” is...
Trust Issues?
Trust some would argue to be the most important building block in having and maintaining...
Raising Teenagers?
Remember when you were a teen? The fun you had, spending time with friends, the...
Starving People Want to Eat!
If you were starving and someone threw you a steak would you eat it? Most...