
A Leader’s List; How to Know, Respect, & Lead “The Lists” of Your People!

You know that tornado of “Things-To-Do” swirling around your head? If you’re in a professional position of leadership… you’ve got a list and that list tends to make you “Busy”. Please remember, “Busy” does not mean “Better” and “Busy” doesn’t mean “Productive”. Also, your people have a list of their own… ignoring this fact as […]

A Leader’s List; How to Know, Respect, & Lead “The Lists” of Your People! Read More »

A Leader’s Belonging; The 5C’s to Create a Sense of Belonging for Your Leaders & Employees!

“Belonging”, what a word! Simply writing it, and hopefully reading it creates a feeling of safety, security, and the sense you’ve found a home where you can thrive in who you are and your purpose. The opposite of “Belonging”, professionally and personally is quite sad; when someone feels they don’t belong, are outside the bubble,

A Leader’s Belonging; The 5C’s to Create a Sense of Belonging for Your Leaders & Employees! Read More »

A Leader’s “Speedy Boss”; The 4 Keys to Leading Fast & Better… and What to Do When You’re the Employee of a “Speedy Boss!

Have you ever had a Boss that has their hands in EVERYTHING? You respect their mind, their ability, and their passion… but if they interfere one more time, make one more change without you knowing about it, talks to your contacts; messing up existing projects, changes one more thing at 1:30am, or on a Saturday

A Leader’s “Speedy Boss”; The 4 Keys to Leading Fast & Better… and What to Do When You’re the Employee of a “Speedy Boss! Read More »

A Leader’s “Optional”; Is Every Meeting Mandatory? 3 Keys to Enhancing Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Through “Optional”!

There are several things most organizations struggle with and one of the most prevalent is the number of meetings Leaders must attend. You know what I mean… you’ve been asked to attend a meeting in-person, virtually, or through travel… you already wonder why you must be there, how much time it’s going to take away

A Leader’s “Optional”; Is Every Meeting Mandatory? 3 Keys to Enhancing Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Through “Optional”! Read More »

A Leader’s Personal Leadership; The 5 Keys to Enhancing that Intangible Thing Inside of You People Feel Compelled to Follow!

As a Professional Speaker and Leadership Training, when I speak at conferences and train at companies; it’s imperative I break Leadership down into 3 parts: Personal Leadership, Daily Leadership Skills to effectively Lead a Team, and Work/Life Harmony. I define Personal Leadership as the consistent ability and willingness to be Positive, Passionate, & Productive in

A Leader’s Personal Leadership; The 5 Keys to Enhancing that Intangible Thing Inside of You People Feel Compelled to Follow! Read More »

A Leader’s Burnout Too; The 6 BIG Mistakes that Lead to Professional Disconnection & Burnout!

As for someone who burnt-out of a job, a passion, my former career; I can tell you how deeply burnout can impact your mental health, emotional health, physical health, your Coworkers, Teams, Organization, and Customers/Clients! During my Trainings, I often share The 5 Types of Employees and one of them is “The Grouch”. Typically, “Grouches”

A Leader’s Burnout Too; The 6 BIG Mistakes that Lead to Professional Disconnection & Burnout! Read More »

A Leader’s Upgrade; The 3 Keys to Upgrading Your Team, Your Leadership, Goals, & Success!

Upgrade… What a word! Some people attach “Upgrade” to their ego, what they want, or what they believe they “deserve” as they desire to improve their life by upgrading their car, their house, clothes, or their partner. Others may be anxious or fearful to upgrade; as it will depend on them learning new things… slowly

A Leader’s Upgrade; The 3 Keys to Upgrading Your Team, Your Leadership, Goals, & Success! Read More »

A Leader’s White-Knuckling; The 3 Keys to Handling the Anxiety Leaders Feel After Delegating Tasks!

As an “Inspired & Motivated” employee or person, you like your work, excel at your duties, and also tend to absorb the duties of others due to your efficiency and effectiveness. As you move up the professional ranks… the can duties double, triple, then compound… causing a slow burn-out you never saw coming! I often

A Leader’s White-Knuckling; The 3 Keys to Handling the Anxiety Leaders Feel After Delegating Tasks! Read More »