Is Your Dream Depreciating?

Dreaming is amazing! All things are possible in your dreams; the colors more vivid, the abilities more profound, the experience more deep and abstract. Have you ever awoken from your awesome dream and try to force yourself back to sleep just to get back to dreamland! Having a dream for yourself and your life is just as powerful… providing you hope, vision, a plan, and inspiration to live your best life.

Notice I mentioned a dream for YOURSELF and your life…not just your life. Many people suffer and are living their depreciating dream. What do I mean? You dream of your life; which may include getting your education, the job you want, the partner you want, kids, and money. You set forth and accomplish all of your dreams and obtain all you ever wished for! You now have it all… are you happy and joyful? Hopefully, some of you are.

The truth is… most of people’s life dreams are filled with tangible accomplishments, things, and stuff you have assigned a quality of success. These things are great accomplishments but don’t always equate to happiness and joy. The education was great, but you no longer enjoy your job. The house is great, but the upkeep is exhausting. The expensive car is awesome, but the repairs are killer. Your partner is amazing, but relationships take work. You love your kids, but how draining can one little person be?

For most, your dream is depreciating, because you have neglected to dream of the type of person YOU want to be… not just the things that come with the dream and success. What is your dream? In ten years, what kind of man/woman, professional, parent, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, sibling do you dream about being? Add the EVOLVED you to your dream and begin to live your best life today!

Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at

Depreciating Dreams - Andre Young