They are Not Your Best Friend!

You may hear people say, “My partner is my best friend” and gush over the sentiment or… you may believe yourself that you want your significant other to be your “Bestie”. Through my years of experience as a mental health therapist, marriage counselor, Founder and CEO of You Evolving Now, and person… Your significant other is NOT your best friend, doesn’t have to be, and doesn’t need to be! I know… I may have ruffled a few feathers and you may be ready to defend the wonderfulness of your relationships. If you have a great relationship… that is awesome! If you don’t… there are ways to EVOLVE… one being that you are not your partner’s best friend and vice versa.

When did the title husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend stop being enough? If done right, these titles are heavy enough to stand alone without the extra title of “best friend”; allowing you the love, respect, honor, commitment, and intimacy great relationships are made of. You and your partner are linked in this thing called life and will play a plethora of roles with and for each other: confidant, lover, sounding board, therapist, friend, soul mate, and more… all rolled up into one. I understand what is meant by the statement… “My partner is my best friend”… it’s the ultimate compliment. However, it can minimize the significance of their title as husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. And truthfully… there are times when you can say things freely to your real “best friend” that you would not or could not say to you significant other.

Also, when your partner is also your “Best Friend”, you can begin to neglect other important relationships and friendships in your life. These bonds are significant and have been in place before your relationship and maybe after… don’t forget to nurture them. MAKE and TAKE time to treat yourself to your friendships, MAKE and TAKE time to invest in new ones, and finally MAKE time and TAKE time to continue to develop YOU and EVOLVE.

YOU are important and its necessary to make sure to don’t dissolve into your relationship with no designation between you and your partner. Yes, it’s great to have common interest and make the effort to join in their interest; it’s also important to treat yourself to YOURS. Your partner is not your best friend… they are your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend and that title is big enough and heavy enough all by itself. Cherish them, love them, and learn my 7 Ways to Love as the book releases in the next couple of weeks! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young