M&W Blog – Be 8 Again!

My youngest son is 8 years old and I absolutely love that age. I so enjoy playing with him, teaching him, and more so watching him play by himself and with friends. 8 years olds are sponges soaking up knowledge, habits, and lifestyle from everyone and everything around them. I especially admire how 8 year olds approach a new group of kids and simply ask… “Can I play?”. Afterwards they are best friends without even knowing each other’s names!

Somewhere on the journey through adulthood, you lose or demote the importance of play due to a loss of time, energy, or priority. You also maintain existing relationships; reluctant to add to your social group. Who has time for that! This may feel comfortable, safe, and sensible but this stagnation can halt your evolution and stop you from living your best life. I encourage you to be 8 again and invite new experiences, play, and new and positive people into your world.

Being 8 again can have a profound effect on you personally and professionally. As an entrepreneur, I meet many different types of people daily and have the opportunity to make significant bonds that impact my life and theirs. I recently attended a seminar and was overwhelmingly impressed by the presenter. He was the current CEO of a major company and echoed my same principles, beliefs, and values. Afterward, I made an opportunity to meet him… instead of boring him with the 500th sales pitch he may have heard that day… I simply said, “I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation, we have so much in common, and I’d like to get to know you.”. It’s important to build your team and add people that have a similar vision and the willingness to develop and follow a process to succeed and EVOLVE. If something financial or business related develops form a relationship with Mr. CEO, then so be it.; but more importantly there’s a connection and possible friendship for a lifetime.

Have you ever been somewhere and met someone that was so genuine, positive, and good-spirited… that you just wanted to know more. These are the people you want on your team, these are the people to build with, learn with, and EVOLVE with! Not everyone is a CEO or hangs out at seminars… I can’t tell you how many connections I make in public… simply pumping gas. I was privileged to meet a gentleman at the pump next to me and had a great conversation; who later became involved in my company. I invite you to hand this person your business card, share with them what you are about, and ways to connect. In this day and age of social media, it’s easier than ever to reconnect or stay connected without the uncomfortably of the first phone call.

I am not suggesting connecting with every single person on the street; as this can be misinterpreted from person to person, gender, to gender, and culture to culture. However, I am suggesting that you be 8 again… ask to play with those doing what you want to do, speaking how you’d like to speak, and thinking the way you’d like to think! Build your team and invest in the people that exude positivity, integrity, and value. Join new clubs, seek new events, and simply think and ask… “Can I play?”. EVOLVE and soak up all that these new people and experiences have to offer and EVOLVE your life and theirs! Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

Be 8 Again! - Andre Young