M&W Blog – Attracting & Chasing

You are often encouraged to chase your dreams; whether it be your dream job, dream girl or guy, life, etc. Chasing your dream is necessary and important, but are you really ready to handle it, if you catch it?

There is a time to chase and there is a time to attract. Chasing refers to YOU actively going after something you desire. Attracting is YOU actively building and EVOLVING so that the things to desire find you. Years ago, I spoke with a young man that desperately wanted to be in a relationship… any relationship where a partner would love him, understand him, value, him, and support him. However, he was not healthy within himself emotionally and mentally. How will you believe someone truly loves you, when you don’t truly love yourself? Throughout his incessant chase, he was bound to find partners, but no relationships lasted and often led to heartbreak.

It became necessary for him to focus on attracting instead of chasing. As he began to intentionally build himself, focus on a new vision for himself and his life, create a broader social circle, engage in new activities and experiences, and feel better about himself; he managed to attract and accept a different type of partner; more healthy, mature, and able to be a part of a union instead of a caretaker for his brokenness. You must be willing to chase your dreams, but it’s your duty to become the type of person that can handle the dream.

This is true in business, sports, and anything that involves success. The truly amazing success stories are not only amazing because of what they achieve, but also because the type of person they are and their ability to manage and navigate such great success. In the early stages of building my business, a friend quoted an old line from the movie, Field of Dreams…. “If you build it, they will come”. When you build intently, it then allows you to chase intelligently and confidently. I have never forgotten that, as it continues to be a daily motivating force. It also reminds me to build with intent, insight, and purpose as to attract the right individuals into my life. What are you currently chasing? Stepping back, what will you build up within yourself or your world to allow your desires to find you? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Attracting & Chasing - Andre Young