M&W Blog – Balance

The wise do as much as they should, not as much as they can. – French Proverb. This quote spoke to me in so many ways, but the word BALANCE resonates within me. I have always been a “Go-Getter” and willing to go 100 miles per hour to achieve my goal and care for my family. Although this may sound like some of you out there and an attractive quality… it can also be quite exhausting, leading to one-track thinking, poor health, and with no ill intent…damaged relationships.

Doing as much as you should for the day and for others, instead as much as you are physically capable of, can save you undesired stress; leaving more energy and positivity to enjoy other aspects that make life really worth living. This is also true in our emotional world. We all play various roles: husbands/wives, boyfriends/girlfriends, friends, workers, parents, etc. To be great at any one of these roles takes a significant amount of mental and physical energy, time, and effort. Now combine all of these roles together… as is your life… and go! It’s no wonder so many of us are stressed, anxious, depressed, etc.

It may sound noble, to do and give all that you can every day for others; taking care of business at home, work, and with friends. But where is the line? When does it become enabling? How and when will we care for ourselves? Anyone who has children has a healthy respect for laundry day, washing, sorting, and folding clothes. I have three children and laundry day was terrifying! One day, I entered my boys room to gather their clothes, but began watching them play their video game. I looked at the video game controller and counted the number of buttons. Do you know how many buttons are on the PS4 video game controller? …… 16! At that point, I said “Boys, grab your clothes and come with me”. “If you can play that game… there are less buttons on the washer and dryer”. From that day on, my laundry nightmare was over; allowing me to relax, them to mature, learn responsibility and pride, and be a less stressed and more effective parent. Where is your line and how would you like to incorporate balance in your life? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Balance - Andre Young