M&W Blog – The Beauty of Change!

The word beauty doesn’t get the respect it deserves. It’s said so nonchalantly, but the truth is when you say something is beautiful… think of how amazing it must be! It’s not often that you take notice of things that take your breath away; visually, emotionally, mentally, etc. But there are all around you! A sunrise, sunset, the first time you met your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend, watching your kids play… all of those wonderful time and memories that make life worth living and give your life purpose.

The problem arises, because everyone loves beauty; but not many can tolerate change. Wouldn’t it be great if the sky looked like the sunrise or sunset at all times, or we could watch our children play and smile forever, or our significant other could look and act like they did from the first time we met them for the rest of our lives. Well… that’s not going to happen and the truth is… it would be a very boring existence. What is going to happen is CHANGE! The sunrise will bring forth the day, then sunset, the evening, seasons, and so on. Children will play, get hurt, get in trouble, evolve, and grow. Your significant other will evolve as a man or woman along with all of their life experiences and the amount of love you gift the relationship.

Being enraptured by the beauty surrounding you is joyful, but accepting, honoring, valuing, and finding beauty in the change is the work of real living an EVOLVED life! Beauty is everywhere… even in the change… and at times… change enhances the beauty! Enjoy the beauty of your life, the beauty of your partner, your children, your job, your family, and EVOLVE! Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

The Beauty of Change! - Andre Young