M&W Blog – Your Bedroom

Yes, we are talking bedrooms today! In fact, we are talking comfort, relaxation, and a possibly a better relationship. So many of us will decorate our space to impress our friends, associates, and strangers that enter our homes; but neglect where we spend so much of our time alone or with our significant other. Our living room areas are comfortable, colorful, and eye-catching. However, where we sleep, rest, relax, and are intimate is plain, unkempt, or looks as if a bomb went off; demoting ourselves and our relationships as less important.

Of course it’s understandable, we get up and go to work… and repeat, why make the bed… you’re just going to get back into it later, change your clothes throughout the day, create piles, no one really comes in here but me, unpainted or undecorated walls… who really cares. The truth is, you have every right to live the way you chose to live, but there is something to be said for living within a certain ambiance. How do you feel when you enter an awesome hotel suite with great décor, the bed made perfectly, wonderful aroma, music, a comfortable mountain of pillows, clean, and made just for a King or Queen that will be you for the next few days? That could be you in your own home and bedroom!

We are all busy and stressed in our own way. Our work schedule, kids, responsibilities, and life… give yourself a gift and the perfect getaway. This is where you wake every morning and retire every night; remove the unseen stress and give you and your partner a sense of pride and comfort in the King or Queen Palace on a daily basis. What will you change or add to your bedroom? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

Your Bedroom - Andre Young