M&W Blog – Create Self and Fly!

You are the only you; and always have the ability to create yourself. I cringe at the phrase, “Finding Oneself”. Throughout my years of assisting people on their journey to a better life, I often explain the difference between “Finding yourself” and “creating yourself”. “Finding” implies chance, luck, and possible exhaustion. You’ve looked for yourself everywhere and you can’t find you! What are you to do, search the ends of the earth, overturn every stone, send out a manhunt? The truth is… in this current stage of life you no longer know what drives you, inspires you, or sparks an interest. Instead of finding someone that may no longer exist… how about you create yourself!

Jay-Z has a lyric in his song that has inspired me throughout my life… “Nobody’s built like you… you design yourself”. Isn’t that great! We get to create ourselves… taking what you admire from your former and current self, what you admire from your favorite superstar, parents, peers, etc. What hobbies you’d like to try, places you’d like to go, people you’d like to hand out with, and creating new experiences and a new life. Create, create, create and make it yours. The things you like and that are healthy, keep doing. The things you don’t…stop! In my past blogs, I have discussed joy and peace… adding the willingness to create yourself to this equation provides a great recipe for the EVOLVED you. Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Create Sef and Fly!