M&W Blog – Your Ego is Not Your Baby!

Ego is defined as a person’s sense of self-esteem, self-importance, self-worth, and responsible for developing personal identity. Therefore, your ego is immensely important! The problem is, most people fill their ego or over inflate their ego with all of the wrong things: achievement, success, money, accolades, sports, attractiveness, power, etc. Some would say, what’s the problem with that? Yes, all of these things are nice and allow you to look great on paper. If you met someone on-line that had all of these in their profile, it would be easy to get excited and believe they are amazing. The truth is… their accomplishments are amazing, but are they? Stick to the facts… the only things those accolades mean is: they have more money, they have a prestigious job, they have succeeded in their field. It does not necessarily mean they are happy, kind, empathic, or a “good person”. If you only fill your ego with achieve, accolades, money, etc. and believe you are only worth the things you have accomplished; it may stunt you from EVOLVING and truly living your best life.

Money, accomplishments, success, and accolades can all fade. One day you have it, one day you don’t. Although no one can take your accomplishments away… they will become further and further distant in the rear view for you and everyone else. As you clench to the identity and ego you have made for yourself; you cradle it as your little baby. You protect it, nurture it, making it grow bigger, stronger, until it’s this unruly teen-ager stomping around your house, your life, and your relationships! I’m sure you can remember a time when your ego had a temper tantrum; negatively effecting your life and relationships.

The truth is, life has its ups and downs and our ego can be fragile just like a child. In order to strengthen that child, you must feed it right, healthy, and with good nutrition in mind. Instead of feeding it money, success, and accolades… feed your ego positivity, building others, giving, integrity, charity, hard-work, persistence, love, honor, etc. These are things that can’t be taken away, lead to success, and won’t shatter in the face of losing that job, no longer being successful in one area, a break-up, etc. Your ego is not your baby that need to be coddled, held, and nursed; it’s like a teen that know right from wrong but wants what it wants when it wants it; needing support, structure, discipline, attention, love, and the reminder to remember that other people exist outside of your wants. Develop your ego, before your ego develops you and EVOLVE! Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

You Ego is Not Your Baby!