M&W Blog – Follow the Leader!

Leadership, leading, and winning gets much of the glory in our society. People who possess the desired leadership qualities to motivate, inspire, and guide themselves or others to success are highly valued and even more highly paid. Leadership is a wonderful quality to possess as it infers that you are passionate, well-versed in an area, able to connect with others, inspiring, and motivating. With all that said… leaders and leadership are important, but not everything.

Much is never said or ever glorified about following or followers. It’s often deemed as a negative to be a “Follower”… shouldn’t that depend on who or what YOU chose to follow. The truth is, when you do not know the way, it then becomes imperative to make wise decisions on who or what to follow. Following the right way, possesses important qualities; it takes intelligence, decisiveness, motivation, diligence, trust, and a lot of want-to in order to achieve your desired goal and arrive at your desired destination. As a leader, you must be aware and humble enough to know that you do not know… and choose wisely to follow. As a follower, you must know when to use your own wisdom and when to lead and set your own path. Value your role as a follower as much as the role of leader; being willing to learn, EVOLVE, and build.

You will play both, Leader and Follower, within the various roles you play as an individual, partner, parent, worker, friend, etc. It’s impossible for you to know everything…the wisdom of following the right thing or person will be necessary. Enjoy your journey! When have you assumed the Follower role; leading you to positivity, success, and a more EVOLVED experience? Who or what would you like to follow, leading you to living a better life? Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

Follow the Leader- Andre Young