M&W Blog – My Formula for Success!

As I have mentioned time and time again, we all need a formula for success. Once you have your vision, it’s time to plan, then it’s time to do! I have used my formula to accomplish goals and achieve success as an individual, husband, father, and business owner. Ready? Here it is… Brainstorm, Decide, Implement, Collaborate, Fine-Tune, Repeat. It is a simple process that allows you to be creative, but also includes trusted others to help guide you and EVOLVE.

In order to have vision and success, we must BRAINSTORM; thinking of ideas that will enhance us as a person, our relationships, our business, etc. Evaluate these ideas and write them down; categorizing them accordingly. Some of these ideas may be for now and some may be down the line.

DECIDE. Now that you have brainstormed and categorized your ideas, it’s time to decide which you will act on. This is a fun stage and it is a new beginning and it’s a powerful feeling when you know you are moving forward.

IMPLEMENT. Now it’s time to implement your new idea into your life, relationships, or business. This stage sounds simply, but is proven to take tact in introducing it the right way to either yourself, your partner, or your business; evaluating the benefits of introducing slowly or quickly, how often, how long, etc.

Collaborate. This is my favorite stage, but we must be willing to put on another layer of skin because your idea may not be as perfect as you thought or as attractive an idea to others. We must be willing to collaborate in order to evaluate what’s working, what’s not working, what to add, subtract, scrap, or put on the shelf for the future. Collaboration can also be utilized before implementation; gathering different points of view and what is important others.

This leads us to FINE-TUNING. Now that you have feedback from the people and team you trust, it’s time to fine tune. Although your product, whether it is you personally, your relationship, or business may be great right now…nothing stays the same. As you are idol, the world is changing at a rapid pace. I initially began my business face to face; then expanding to social media and Facebook. As I spoke at a university, I mentioned sending out an invitation to our monthly events on Facebook. The students stopped what they were doing and in unison looked at me as if I were a dinosaur! I love Facebook… but I showed my age. They suggested Snap Chat and Instagram. As I watch my teens roam the house with their heads buried in their phones, they are on YouTube and Snap Chat. So, what does the Fine-Tuning approach tell me…. Continue doing Facebook for my generation and older, but I must begin to use other vehicles to prepare myself for the next generation who will soon be able to benefit from our mission and the means to purchase it.

My last step… Repeat. This is not a once and done process. We must repeat this formal over and over; continuing to brainstorm new ideas, deciding on what is best for now and in the future, implementing new ideas for success, collaborating with our team (although the team may change the formula doesn’t), and fine-tuning our ideas and plans; allowing us to EVOLVE and live your best life! What is your formula for success? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

My Formula for Success - Andre Young