M&W Blog – Fun!

So many inspirational blogs are about success and striving, but today I want to share about a different way to EVOLVE… just plain old fashion FUN! It’s easy to get caught in the cycle of chasing, attracting, and building your vision, but without fun and others to share it with; what is it all worth? Fun allows you to recharge, enjoy life, enjoy friends, and receive the world and your relationships at its fullest! Have you ever had a hearty laugh with your face hurting and sore stomach because you’ve laughed so much; or enjoyed a great time with friends and said, “I needed that”. Don’t cheat yourself out of those moments in life; as they are a necessary part of life and EVOLVING.

It always amazes, how fun can stay the same, but yet change over time. Fun for you may be hanging out with friends, enjoying a great laugh, hiking, exercising etc. You may continue to do these things for a lifetime. However, how you do these things may significantly change as you EVOLVE. How and where you hang out with your friends may change over time, what’s funny may change over time. How you exercise and hobbies may also change. It’s important to be aware and respect these changes in yourself, allow for it, and share your changes with those close to you. As the newer you may be a surprise you, it may or may not be a surprise to them. So many of us continue to do things, simple because it the way we’ve always done them… until someone steps up and offers something different. You may be surprised who feels the same way in your circle! What was your definition of FUN in your teens? 20’s? 30’s? 40’s? 50’s? Also, everyone may have a different definition of fun? Do you know your partner’s? Your kid’s? Your best friend, co-worker, boss? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Fun - Andre Young