M&W Blog – The Great Demotion!

Remember when you were younger and had all of the time in the world to do the things you wanted to do! Remember being in college and the whole world was for you and all decisions were for and about you… where you lived, who you lived with, where you were going, and what to do for the day. Having a social life; coming and going when and how you wanted. They were great memories and some… not so much, but it was certainly all about you! Then came love, then came marriage, then came babies in the baby carriage… and you became smaller and smaller, less and less important, and more and more insignificant as your new name… Mommy, Daddy, Hun, and Honey took over. If you actually heard someone say your real name in your own house it would be odd!

So many men have consciously or unconsciously demoted themselves on the depth chart, their wants, and needs due to work; while so many women have demoted themselves on the depth chart due to work and their role as a mother. Although the sacrifice and compromise sounds noble, life and relationships cannot only be about sacrifice and compromise. It’s not only important, but necessary to care for and treat yourself, your wants, and your needs; leaving you full and replenished enough to be your best self, partner, parent, professional; allowing you the ability to EVOLVE and thoughtfully give to those you love and care for.

As you are sacrificing and shrinking, what’s growing and building… resentment, anger, loneliness, frustration! Of course, our children, their schedules, our homes, our jobs are important… but so are YOU! As you care for the rest of the things in your life as if they are most important; remember that jobs can come and go and your children are supposed to grow and leave… at some point it will be only you and your partner… and perhaps… only you. Work on your vision, the couple you want to be, and the person you’d like to be NOW and EVOLVE!!! I know… time is the issue and there is not enough of it! The question becomes… do you have time to be miserable? Do you have time to get divorced? People make time to do what they really want to do… Life will BE different, when YOU do different and promote yourself up the depth chart! Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

The Great Demotion! - Andre Young