M&W Blog – House vs. Home

House vs. Home

A house is defined as a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people. A house proves to be beneficial for survival needs, shelter, warmth, and protection. All things to improve the quality to life. Many people in America and around the world dream to live in a house or dream to have a better house. The dictionary confuses us and provides the same definition for a house and home. This couldn’t be further from the truth! A home a place, any place, that embodies joy, love, connection, comfort, great memories, and warmth in your heart.

There are rich people who live in big houses, but do not have a home. There are poor people who live in shacks, but have the best homes in the world. A few years out of college, I was blessed to build a house and start a family. I did many things right, but was a boy in a man’s body; focused on achievement and my old definition of success. Through that time in my life, I only built a house. After a divorce and major down-size; I went from a built house to a two-bedroom apartment with three young kids. The transition was rough, but I remember the day that apartment became my home. I walked through the door, viewed my place, accepted my surroundings, my children were having fun and making friends, and we were settled and living the best we could. I was home! Since then, we have moved several times, I remarried, and my family continues to EVOLVE; but the goal is to always be at HOME. You are truly happiest when you want to be home, don’t mind staying at home, and want to return home. Making your house a home requires a lot from everyone; a lot of understanding, patience, dedication, love, support, commitment, willingness, and acceptance; but it sure is worth it! Where do you feel most at home? What do you think makes a house a home? What are you doing to make your family feel at home? Share your comments with us at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or at www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen. Happy EVOLVING!!!

– Written by Andre Young

House vs Home - Andre Young