“I Did It!”

It’s amazing how three little words can mean so much. “I did it!” means victory, achievement, success, overcoming, winning, and so much more. What a great feeling to have as an individual. The universal sign of victory is chip up and arms up in a V-shape. I encourage you to try it… stand in front of the mirror, in your room, on your front porch… anywhere… and assume the victory stance… POWERFUL… isn’t it!

What life victories are you most proud of? Do you know your partner’s answer? Your kid’s? Imagine yourself successful and victorious as a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, son/daughter, brother/sister, worker, student… would image do you see? What steps will you take to make that image come true? Your victory is like a pebble being dropped in the water… it creates positive and impactful ripples to your family, friends, and those close and far. Now is your time to make a ripple, a difference, and an impact! Enjoy EVOLVING!!!

Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

"I DID IT!" - Andre Young