M&W Blog – Just Live Right

When things are great in your life, you know what to do, how to be, and it’s easy to feel like the world is in the palm of your hands. You laugh, enjoy, celebrate, and have fun. Joy and happiness take over and provide us with feelings we don’t want to go away.

When things are tough, you know what to do, how to be, and it’s easy to feel like the world is crushing you. You sulk, sigh, cry, and may isolate yourself from those who care about you the most or gear up and do the hard work necessary to get out of the hole. Despair and frustration can take over and provide us with feelings we want to go away.

In both instances, you are in the moment and are either, striving or surviving, trying to figure out how to keep it going or stop it. Sometimes, the hardest moments in life are when we are idle… idle in our vision, idle professionally, idle in our relationships, idle in our lives. These are the moments we reflect and say, “What the heck am I doing with my life… in this job, or in this relationship, etc.”. These are very dangerous times and pivotal moments. The decisions you make during these times tend to have long lasting effects that will change your life forever.

In these moments, I encourage you live by a quote I developed years ago…” When you don’t know what to do… just live right”. If you don’t know what you want out of your current job, relationship, or life… just don’t up and quit or make rash decisions to shake things up. Just live right! What is the right thing to do as a professional… be on top of your projects, responsibilities, and deadlines? What is the right thing to do as a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend? Build up your partner, do your part, stay committed, respectful, and loving. As you are living right and staying diligent, you may be surprised who notices and the opportunities that come your way! This is also a time for reflection and future thinking; an opportunity to build yourself and your new life without the trauma and urgency brought on due to rash decision making and life changes. While you are living right, you may decide that going in a different or healthier direction is best… and you have allowed yourself to make life changes with a clearer mind and hopefully no burned bridges. When have you been strong enough to manage and overcome the ruts in your life? How did you do it? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Just Live Right - Andre Young