M&W Blog – Masterpiece

I fell in love with art at a young age. More appropriately said, I fell in love with beauty at a young age! As a boy I began to draw pictures, comic books, and later began to paint. I lost myself in the process of making nothing into something then appreciating the finished product. In art, there were no mistakes; just opportunities to expand and redirect. When have you made something out of nothing?

Through my teenage years and young adulthood, I drew less and played more. I played more music and sports and put aside drawing for others types of art. Playing football became an art form; a violent art, but art nonetheless! The colors, uniforms, pageantry, collisions, sounds of the crowd, and bands…it was as if you were an active piece of the artwork and could have control over the masterpiece; mixed with the ability to do things most people wouldn’t consider or even try with their own bodies. I also enjoyed my music. Back then, it was hardcore rap and hip-hop. It’s amazing how music can take over your spirit and thought process in the moment. The music was great for hyping me up and making me feel invincible. Everything has its positives and negatives. I love my rap and hip hop, but I was so impressionable back then (as most teens) and wish I had a more balanced diet of different types of music. My daughter is a music and theater buff and I’m so impressed with her range of interest musically; allowing her different moods and perspective throughout her day and life. This is a topic all of its own and I look forward to writing about it in future blogs!

Nowadays, I am a bit involved with other things and have put my art to the side. But great art is still in my heart and I intentionally take time to enjoy the beauty of life. I love sunsets and how the sky is different every single day and night, the beauty of your landscape (whether it’s city, suburbs, or country), and the beauty of my family. I love appreciating how gorgeous my wife is and reveling in the fact that we are together, the beauty of my kids growing every day and beginning to live their own lives, and the true art of being married and learning to enjoy the ride! The greatest art that will ever exist is the beauty of the life you chose to live! What is most beautiful to you and how are you taking time to appreciate it? Do you know your partner’s answer? Your kid’s? Share your comments with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen. Happy EVOLVING!!!

– Written by Andre Young

Masterpiece - Andre Young