M&W Blog – Meaningful Moments!

Moments make up life; and great moments can be the pillars for a great life! How we accept, perceive and grow from these moments will mean the most; either tearing us down or helping us to EVOLVE. One of my first powerful moments as a kid was taking a trip around the United States. I was a 15-year-old inner-city kid and like many of us; we hung out and had a great time within our neighborhoods and ten block radius. A friend of mine suggested I join a group with him at our old elementary school. The group was called the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization). I didn’t know much about it, but my friends were interested so I was interested. The CYO’s goal was to raise money for travel; sending members of the congregation and young people to see the Pope in Denver.

The significance of this venture hadn’t dawned on me and did not dawn on me until years later. We raised enough money, and with nine of my friends, we set out across the United States in a van. We visited and stayed in so many places along the way and back from Denver: Notre Dame University, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and more! While in Nebraska, we were lodged in the second floor hotel room. I was thirsty and went down stairs to use the soda machine. To my shock and awe… the entire outside section was covered in green frogs… totally covered in green frogs! I have never seen anything like that and still wonder if I was dreaming. We saw Mt. Rushmore, residents of Wyoming wearing ten-gallons hats and spurs, the sun sets of South Dakota, the starry nights of Wyoming… with darkness so thick it felt like a blanket and stars so clear you felt as if you were in outer space. The experience and fun I had on that trip unknowingly changed my life and continues to drive my desire to travel and see new places and experience things.

However, the biggest lesson I learned had nothing to do with places and experiences. It had everything to do with people. As we traveled, I looked at all of the houses we saw, the people we met, and stories we heard. At that moment I realized we may all look different, have different upbringings, and different points-of-view, but we are all so much alike. Everyone is just trying to get along in their life, be happy, enjoy relationships, and make it. Whether an inner-city kid from Philly, or a spur wearing woman from Wyoming; we are just trying to make it. This moment of my life helped me to expand my view… of not only the world, but of people. Most importantly, that trip, showed me that my world was bigger than my normal 10-block radius and if the world is that big…anything is possible! Which life moment/s stand out for you? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Meaningful Moments - Andre Young