M&W Blog – Meet at the 50?

I was driving in the car a few days ago and listening to a popular morning talk show. They were discussing relationships and ways to have a healthy and successful marriage. One on the DJs stated, “I believe marriage is about each person being willing to meet at the 50-yard line”. The other DJs agreed as well as most listeners. In my younger and more selfish years, I would have agreed too. I know the DJs had great intent and the message was meant to be positive. However, it was one of the worst pieces of relationship advice I have ever heard!

As a former football player, I remember the excitement, nervousness, and fun of game day. I loved being a Team Captain and meeting the other team at the 50-yard line. It was an opportunity to size each other up, give respect, and get ready to knock each other around; finding out who was the better man or team. This sounds like a horrible way to have a relationship, meet your partner in a time of need, and build a life together.

Also, think of the selfishness it takes to only be willing to meet at the 50-yard line. In the best case scenario, both you and your partner will be on the same level emotionally, health wise, financially, and psychologically. If you are lucky enough to experience this… congrats, but this period of time cannot last. Life will take us on twist, turns, and nothing hits harder than life! There will be times when we are not at our best physically, financially, emotionally, etc. Our partners will be impacted by this and also receive life’s biggest uppercut. Sometimes we will only be able to make it to the 20-yard line. Can you imagine your partner standing at the 50 simply waiting for you to get there? As a man, I now understand that it is my responsibility as a husband and father to cross that 50-yard line and meet my wife where she is. I must be willing to help her where she is and hopefully I’m “Man enough” to put her on my back and carry her to the end zone. I remember a time in our marriage when I couldn’t make it to the 50-yard line and my crossed that midfield stripe valiantly and supported me in my hardest times.

When have you crossed the 50-yard line and supported your partner? When has your partner crossed midfield and supported you? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

%0 Yard-Line - Andre Young