M&W Blog – R.E.L.A.X.

With all the talk and writing of EVOLVING, succeeding, progressing, and becoming… it’s easy to forget that you must relax, rest, and recoup. “Go-Mode” at all times will become emotionally, physically, and psychologically exhausting for you and those around you; as they may feel slighted, ignored, and only important enough to be penciled into your schedule. “Go-Mode” also makes it easy to forget how to relax; uneasy sitting and being in your own space without texting, emailing, brainstorming, cleaning, managing etc. For whom all of this rings true to… here is how to R.E.L.A.X.!

R – Release! Let go of the planning, worry, anxiety, and managing. Each person may achieve this in their own way: meditation, turning off your phone for a set period of time, a vacation, playing hookie from work… maybe with your spouse, coffee on the back porch, etc. The point is… a release from your day to day routine, grind, and stress!

E – Enjoy! While in “Go-Mode” your focus is achievement, success, and on to the next milestone. While you are relaxing; enjoy the moment. Take in the experience of doing something new or doing nothing at all. One of my favorite ways to relax is sitting on my back patio early in the morning with a cup of coffee. My house is on a hill and I take in the view as much as possible, enjoy the sounds of the morning, and mostly enjoy birds flying both above and beneath me. Whether it’s your patio, out with friends, a book, etc… ENJOY the moment!

L – Laugh. There is great power in laughter… and it’s infectious. Have you ever heard someone with a great laugh or laughing really hard at something. It makes you laugh and you don’t even know the joke. Create opportunities to laugh in your life: purposely watch funny movies, go to a comedy show, listen to comedy on your commute, limit your time with negative people… and by all means don’t forget to laugh at yourself!

A – Attitude. Just as you must limit your time with negative individuals; it’s as important to acknowledge then reframe the negative thoughts in your head. A smile and a positive attitude is priceless and can make an impact for you and others. Remember, YOU are your own walking and talking billboard. What do you want people to see? What kind of people do you want to attract?

X – X-Ray and Examine. At some point during your relaxation and down-time, it’s important to reflect on your progress over the past year or few months. Really appreciate how far you’ve come and refuel for the distance you must cover. What’s your vision moving forward? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen. I also invite you to attend and EVOLVE at the You Evolving Now Convention! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Experience a life changing convention and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Enjoy great food and meet positive like-minded people just like you! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4 Happy EVOLVING!!!

R.E.L.A.X. - Andre Young