It’s amazing how useful and powerful “Rock Bottom” can be. I hit my rock bottom several years ago; choosing to get divorced. I know there are others out there with more devastating stories and experiences than mine, but this was my rock bottom in so many different ways. I once heard a man on the radio say, “for anyone who has experienced tragedy and devastation such as earthquakes, hurricanes…divorce”. It was the first time I heard someone acknowledge the true hardship related to that time in people’s life.
Although I wanted the divorce, my rock bottom was related to my children, all of the new found time alone, and a complete 180-degree change. Was I really this guy? Was I really a father that is going to see his kids’ half the time? For as long as I can remember, I’ve had kids running around; what do I do with time and quiet? How do I survive on my finances alone and court fees? How do I do my finances and all that comes with life?
During this time, I struggled to make ends meet, pay bills, and feed my family. We ate so much spaghetti and canned goods that I still sort of cringe when I see tomato sauce. However, this is the foundation I chose to rebuild my life. At some point I accepted my position and chose to enjoy the positives that came with it. I began to enjoy my new space, filled my time with positivity and positive people, enjoyed close quarters and played with my children, and acknowledged my good qualities and flaws as a man and in all roles I played.
Notice I said, I accepted my position at Rock Bottom, but we must refuse to get comfortable there. During this time, I learned about myself and improved myself from inside out to be a better man and husband for my current wife, to be a better example within my friendships, to grow within my profession in order to provide and create professional opportunities, and created Men Evolving Now which has continued to EVOLVE; now offering a personal growth website, social clubs for men and women, and so much more. The next step is vision. We must have a vision for our future. What is your six-month vision, 1-year vision, 5-year vision? Finally, we need the ability and willingness. This is how I clawed out of my rock bottom, but will always keep it close to my heart. Chances are we may all be there again in some form or fashion… and now we have an exit plan. I encourage all of us to respect your rock bottom, value, it, and remember it, but never get comfortable there! What was your rock bottom? What did your rock bottom teach you about yourself and others?
Share your thoughts at or . Happy EVOLVING!!!
written by: Andre Young