M&W Blog – Stick to the Facts!

It always amazes me how many assumptions and inferences we can make from the things we see and hear. All day long, you make inferences big and small of the people you meet, the clothes they wear, the things they say, and how they behave. These inferences are dangerous for two main reasons; they may not be true and they can lead to comparisons of your own life and self-worth.

It’s important to stick to the basic facts, not your inferences as you EVOLVE and live your best life. Here are a few examples… Someone is rich. You infer they must be happy, lucky, a hard worker, and perhaps envious of their lifestyle. If your inferences were all true, there would be zero unhappy rich people, no depressed rich people, addicted, or rich people that have committed suicide… but there are. All rich means is that someone has more money than the average person… period! You go on a double date with a great couple. They are well dressed (much better than you and your significant other), they laugh and finish each other’s sentences, they pick up the tab, and carry much of the conversation. You look at their relationship in envy and wonder why can’t you and your partner be that way, why can’t we afford those clothes, they are so happy, I wish we got along like they do. These are all inferences! The fact is, you went out with a couple who wore nice outfits, know each other stories, and were willing to pay the check that evening… that’s it! You may not have known that they fought while leaving the house, it’s their nice going out-outfit that they were on date night, they only know each other’s stories because it’s the only stories they tell and each of them hate hearing it, they are in debt up to their eyeballs but rather impress you that admit it. This may or may or may not be true… just stick to the facts and be careful not to make inferences or judge your self-worth based on someone else’s front stage. The last example comes from a salesman I met. He asked, “two men enter the store. One in nice suit and very well groomed. The other has dirty shorts and a    t-shirt. Which one is going to buy”? Most will say the man in the suit. Interestingly… the man in the suit is on his way to a funeral and has no job or income. The man in the dirty shorts is a millionaire, no longer has to work, is renovating his summer home, and decided to stop in after leaving the hardware store. Their clothing were the facts, everything else… inferences and judgments.

EVOLVE and begin to live your best life and enhance your relationships as you stick to the facts and drop your inferences. Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

Stck to the Facts - Andre Young