M&W Blog – T.O.D.A.Y.!

Today is such a special word and gift. Today, we were able to wake and begin anew. Today is full of possibilities, twist, turns, and the mundane tasks we would miss if they were gone. Today provides us all an opportunity to treasure the present and find the positives of each encounter. We cannot change the past, we have hope for the future, but TODAY is ours!

In honor of TODAY, I’d like to share what it means to me and welcome us to EVOLVE and live our best lives. T – Triumph. After managing the various divisions of my business, three kids in three different schools, marriage, and all of the curve balls we face throughout a day, it’s easy to feel defeated. My mission is to conquer the day! Did you beat the day or did the day beat you? If you won…fantastic! If you lost, then gear up, learn, and progress tomorrow.

O- Obligations. We all have them: jobs, kids, responsibilities, household chores, and more. Since we have them and most of our obligations are considered luxuries to the rest of the world; let’s get them done with a positive mind-set or begin to minimize our lives to fit a more EVOLVED lifestyle. Sometime it helps me to remember that cleaning my house with three bathrooms, cutting my yard, and washing my car luxuries to the rest of the world and to people in our own country; so how dare I complain.

D- Diligence. I want to live my day with concerted effort in all roles I play. I live to intentionally love my wife, parent diligently and focus on the bigger picture, complete my task as if the boss is watching, and enjoy downtime with good people in good places.

A – Admire. I am a fan of art and there is so much of it on a daily basis. Sunrises to sunsets, great conversation with people throughout the day, a favorite show on TV, books, videos, music, and more! Admire today and all that it offers. What joy can you bring to someone else today?

Y – Yearn to be better. Every night I recap my day and pray that God allows me to be the best version of myself as an individual, husband, father, son, brother, etc. There are many times I fall short, but as long as we have another day ahead we can be better and EVOLVE! What will you do to treasure today and make it great? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

T.O.D.A.Y.! - Andre Young