M&W Blog – Things are nice. Peace is Better

Many of us like nice things…. It would be great to have that nice car, or nice clothes, house, perfect partner, etc.! The more expensive cars, clothes, and homes have great bells and whistles and may provide a desired material lifestyle. These things may also project a desired image, but if true joy and character is not within you… the truth is… all you really have is a more expensive car, nicer clothes, and nicer looking home. Is that truly enough?

Years ago, I remember being in an achievement phase of life. I worked hard and began to receive the external rewards. I still remember my first brief case and the feeling of success; along with the title I worked so hard for. I had an expensive car, nice clothes, lived in the burbs and felt invincible. One day, I was cutting the grass and a thought stopped me in my tracks… “Is this it?” I had all of this stuff, but felt empty and bored. I was tired of the same old surface level conversation about lawn care, home improvement, and local sports teams. I was tired of the negativity that most people gravitated to about their job’s, relationships, and life. At that moment, it became clear that; Things are Great, but peace is better. Peace and joy within oneself, regardless of material things. Of course, if you can have both why not. However, I know now that if you have peace and joy… the level of importance and how you define things can change quite a bit. These days, I prefer creating experiences rather than acquiring things and find peace and joy in the person I am and what I offer others; rather than acquiring things to define my worth and status.

So, how do YOU find peace and joy? Joy is internal and stems from a sense of gratitude. Being grateful for what you do have instead of what you don’t. Valuing the people, time, and experiences you chose to invite into your life. Actively seeking and participating in past and new experiences for fun and meeting people from every walk of life. Spend time with like-minded people and gaining comfortability as you grow personally, relationally, and experientially. Be careful not to forget about those who are different from you… they are not your enemy and have their own story for you to accept, respect, grow from, and enjoy! Peace comes from accepting who you are, who you use to be, and the challenge and journey of who you are becoming. Things are nice and will come and go, but You are always and EVOLVING. How have you found peace in your life? Where is your special place, where you feel most at peace? Who or what provides you peace? Do you know your partner’s answer? Your kid’s? I want to hear your response, share with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Things are nice. Peace is Better - Andre Young