M&W Blog – Top 5

Top 5 – written by Andre Young

I had an amazing experience answering my own question! What are the top 5 most important things for you in your life right now? This question allowed me to refocus my energy, mindset, and life; allowing me to better understand myself and my personal mission.

The number one focus in my life currently is my faith and attending church regularly, as a couple and a family. Our family recently experienced quite the transition of moving, building a new home, and the chaos that ensues. We have missed church for the past month and felt the effects of it our lives. It’s interesting, as tension and stress builds, your character doesn’t always build with it. It was a pleasure to return to church and restart the process of living “His” way, not “Our” way. During the first two weeks back, both sermons felt as though they were written for my wife and I; allowing us to hit the reset button and enjoy the journey of life and transition.

The second most important thing in my life, is to constantly EVOLVE in all roles I play. Every day, I want to be the best individual, husband, dad, professional, etc. I can be. Of course, some days we all come up short, but we can use that as enthusiastic motivation for the next day! I love my wife and kids and they are worth my effort it proving it, learning to speak their love languages, and being the man they need me to be.

My third most important, is success. My vision is to live a successful and impactful life. It’s important to have a definition for whatever it is we are chasing; each of us will have our own definition of success. In this blog, I’d like to share my definition. Success is making a positive and powerful impact in the lives of others, that in turn, has a positive impact on my life and lifestyle. If this resonates within you, you are welcome to use it and implement it into your life. If not, I welcome you to develop your own definition and EVOLVE in all ways that make you your greatest self!

Lifestyle is fourth on my list! The older I get, the more I know, accept, and respect about myself. I know and respect my likes and dislikes and tend to distance myself from that which I dislike; unless necessary. Life is too short and feels way too long when you are doing things you really dislike. Therefore, I like to position myself through work, finances, and friends to be in a position to live a lifestyle that I enjoy. This is always a work in progress, but I encourage us all to take control of our lives and evaluate your likes and dislikes. Are you being true to yourself and living a lifestyle that you enjoy? If not, what will be your first step?

Lastly, I want to have FUN! This is a concept that escapes most of us as we age. We get so serious and bogged down with our daily and life responsibilities. Of course my definition of “Fun” has changed throughout my teens, 20’s, and 30’s, but Fun is a goal never to give up on and needs to be recaptured! What is your definition of fun? What is fun for you? What’s in the way of you having fun? And what are you going to do about that? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenanbdwomen. Happy EVOLVING!!!

Top 5 - Andre Young