On Your Death Bed

Throughout your life, you have many scary moments in which you narrowly escaped trouble, big trouble, or even death. One second earlier or a minute later… it could have been you in that accident or awful situation. These moments make you feel lucky and off you go to live the rest of your day… soon to take it for granted by lunchtime. There is nothing more humbling and enlightening than a true near-death experience to WAKE YOU UP and EVOLVE!

In 2013, I felt ill and thought nothing of it. The next day, I toughed through it and went to work as most people do. By 10am, something was wrong and there was a pain in my stomach I couldn’t explain. I struggled to drive home and once I open my house door… all I could do was collapse on the floor. After being taken to the hospital… only to find the busiest emergency room ever… all I could do was lie on the floor. On a scale from 1-10, the pain was a 30! I was not diagnosed and improperly triaged and laid on that floor for 6 hours… sweating from the swells of pain, in and out of consciousness, and suffering. I begged for pain medication from the floor… only to be ignored and ridiculed, but finally was taken back to a room. It was found that my White Blood Cells were way out of whack… and a long story short… I had a Perforated Ulcer, my kidneys were functioning at 20%, and I was literally dying. Hours later, I was rushed into emergency surgery and I am thankful to be here today.

As I laid on that hospital floor, I knew something was really wrong. Between the swells of pain and in between states of consciousness… all I could think about was my wife and my children. “Does my wife know how much I love her”. “Did I teach my kids enough”. “I have to say good-bye to my kids”. I remember calling them from the floor and speaking to each of them and saying… “I love you… do you remember what I taught you”.

The big and little things you worry and stress over all day, will not be on your mind when you are on your death bed. What will be on your mind is… TIME, FAMILY, and LOVE… not money, success, or your phone, Facebook, Candy Crush, and everything else you do on it! Did you spend your time enjoying life, experiencing life, and with the people you care about? Did you love hard, beautifully, and correctly? Did you teach your kids enough about you, life, and enough to carry them through life without you around? Live and EVOLVE in the areas of how you spend your time, love, and caring for whomever you consider family… YOU will have lived the life of your dreams! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow/ Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

On Your Death Bed- Andre Young