Permission to Say “No” Pt. 1

“No”… sounds harsh doesn’t it! The word “No” gets such a bad rap for being negative, insufficient, and callas. It’s as if “No” is as bad as the four-letter words you were told not to say as kids. The truth is… “No” is one of the most important words in our language. It provides discipline, delayed gratification, boundaries (some physical and some personal)… “No” allows for safety and also proper growth. What is it in your life… you wish you could say “No” to more often? Isn’t it funny… how saying “No” or just the thought of saying “No” can produce feelings of guilt? What if you could get past that and begin to live a more EVOLVED life?

Years ago, I read a quote that raised my eyebrow… “No is a complete sentence”. At the time, I felt the power behind the quote and its meaning, but with further inspection… “No” can be a complete sentence, but would be a pretty rude thing to do in real life! I encourage you to say “No”… I also encourage you to be a “Why Person”. These two in conjunction have the ability to change your life.

You are a busy person… let’s face it… we are all busy people. You are busy doing whatever is important to you… added with the daily things that need to get done. Some are busy being a CEO and managing, an employee working, a sports star training, or simply busy at home elbow deep in a bag of chips watching your favorite show. Now sprinkle in the have-to’s of the day… you may not be willing to make time for anything else… even if it’s positive for you. But, that doesn’t stop your work adding more to your plate, your kids from asking and needing rides, your significant other asking more of you, etc. You get the point! A simple “No” would feel great… but most likely lead to a lot of problems in all of those areas!

However… you are allowed to say “No” and be a “Why Person”. Recently, I chose to say “No” and turn down several speaking engagements and meetings. My response… “Thank you for thinking of me, but I cannot at this time. I’ve been working at a crazy pace over the past few months and need to slow a bit to spend time with my wife and family. I will be more available later, if you are still interested”. I also have three children… they all have friends and lives… and they all seem to think I am their personal Uber… I am not and neither are you! I love them all and want them to enjoy their teenage years, but my wife and I were running ourselves ragged in attempts to please them. Enough was enough… “No” We cannot and will not take you anywhere on Friday evenings; unless it’s school related. After a long week, Friday nights are sacred… if you can get a ride, great! If friends want to come over, great… but my wife and I will be on the couch!

No one I know likes to hear “No”, but said the right way and for the right reason… “No” gets its proper respect, lightens your load, and increases your self-worth monumentally. Share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!

Permission to Say "No" Pt. 1 - Andre Young