Are You Ready To F.L.Y.!

To fly is to represent freedom, wonder, and possibility! Watching birds soar through the air with wings spread every so gracefully makes you stop and stare in awe. The peace and beauty behind their ability to fly, go anywhere, and come and go as they please… is an astounding ability. As a child, you may have fantasized about having super powers… and I know one of my first choices was to fly! So… how can you begin to fly and possess that same wonder, grace, and freedom?

First, you must want to and be willing to take flight… take flight away from your comfort zone, away from the script your friends, family, etc. have written for you, and willing to EVOLVE in every area of your life and role you play. Understand the purpose of life is to F.L.Y.! Fun, Laughter, and Yearning.

As a child, it was easy to have fun. It seemed to be everywhere… whether it was good or bad… fun was there; along with a few friends to do it with. As you get older… you’re definition of fun can change and you may only be friends with your friends for the mere reason that they have been friends for as long as you can remember. Enjoy you your friends from your past; those are bonds and memories will last a lifetime. Also, be excited for the future and open to expanding your social circle to a world of new people that may be conductive to your current life-vision and lifestyle.

FUN makes life worth living. It makes all of your have-to’s, daily duties of the day, work, and sacrifices worth it… to release, kick back, and enjoy doing what makes you smile and your heart sing! What is you definition of fun? How has your definition of fun changed over time? What is in your way of having fun? Do you know your partner’s answer? Your kid’s? As an adult, you may have to plan your fun… which isn’t the most spontaneous, but it’s better than not having it at all. It also becomes important to encourage your partner to have their own fun (sometimes with and without you). Have your kid’s version of fun with them and step into their world. Introduce your fun to them… you’d be surprised what may stick!

Laughter… it has been said that laughter is the quickest vacation. In today’s society, the new “B-Word” is BUSY. People say it to describe their lives and wear it like a badge of honor… “I’m so Busy”. Sometimes you are too busy to be better. Too busy for a good laugh, too busy to notice the wonder of the world, too busy to notice your life and relationship slipping away. Take time and make time to enjoy the silly, funny, and hilarious moments life has to offer… that funny person at work, the funny movie, a comedy show, that funny friend that makes you laugh on site of seeing their face or hearing their voice. Do you remember the last time you laughed until your face was sore and your stomach hurt? Those moments are immeasurable and sometimes hard to come by, but those small moments, thoughts, and memories will be etched in your memory! Today, share with your partner or kids your funniest memory from your childhood. I’m sure the thought of it just made you smile!

Yearn. This gives F.L.Y. its full purpose and impact in your life. Life is enjoyable when you are having fun and laughing; however life becomes meaningful when you are yearning. This implies your willingness to learn and EVOLVE. Yearn to become more… yearn and learn to become a better YOU, a better husband/wife, parent, son/daughter, worker, etc. How do you learn this… observe, ask questions of what people need from you (they may lie and say “nothing”, but you know better), read, google, research, join positive clubs that allow you to grow, EVOLVE, and life the life of your dreams, etc. This is your life, you only get one of them… are you ready to F.L.Y.? Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young