Success is a Language

Did you know, You Evolving Now began because of language? Actually, for a lot of reasons, but language was a huge one. I became so frustrated and turned-off by the amount of negativity and pessimism exclaimed on a daily basis; people complaining about the weather, their sports team, their relationship, and/or their life. Enough already! What you think, effects how you feel, then what you do, and the consequences thereafter (positive or negative). So, no thank you to the negativity… and invite the language of success into your life.

There are certain words that act as thieves and bullies and should be removed from your vocabulary. The main culprits are: “can’t”, “try”, “if”, and “but”. Lock them up and throw away the key!

“Can’t” implies that you are incapable of doing something. In some cases, this may be true, but in many cases, you mean to say, “This is really hard for me and it will take extra on my part”.

“Try”… have you ever invited someone to an event and they responded, “I’ll try to make it”? Do you expect them to be there? Or, I’ll try to… or I’ll try my best. You will either do or do not… try sets you up for inadequacy and acts as self-care; gently preparing you for failure.

“If” implies doubt and doubt can lead to less than your best effort. Here’s an example… “If I have the house of my dreams, I’ll…” compared to “When I have the house of my dreams”. Which sounds better? Which person do you think will make more effort?

“But” we all know that anything after but is…! It robs you of sincerity and accountability. Example… “I’m sorry I hurt you, but…” Compared to, “I’m sorry I hurt you, it was not my intent. I was thinking…” Which would you want to hear? Remove these words form your vocab and replace with “I will…” and “When I”, When we”. Share your thoughts with me and follow me at and, and @dremenandwomen. Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Success is a Language - Andre Young