Take it Slow?

I recently overheard a group of people talking about their relationships. One woman stated she was in a new relationship and they decided to “take it slow” because both had been through pain and hurt in the past. My initial thought was… “good for you”… my initial feeling was sadness for their past and; but suddenly my mind became agitated. “Taking it slow”… what does that mean? Regarding your love interest, relationships, business, dream, or goal… do you want to take it slow? Is that the right thing to do? When you are excited about your dream… you want to invest in it, spend time with it, watch it grow, and live it!

Perhaps, “taking it slow” can be transformed to… “Taking it Smart”! Slow may imply caution, danger, and a quick exit strategy at the first sign of trouble. Truth is there’s going to be trouble and obstacles. Taking it smart implies doing your research, having vision, and a plan.

Begin by researching your wants, whether a relationship, job, or goal; why do you want it? What part have you played in your lack of success thus far; and are you willing to work on that? What positive attributes do you bring? Outside of being infatuated with your want… is the current opportunity the best for you or simply what’s in front of you right now. Do you want it…only because it’s available and currently wants you?

Do you and your current opportunity share the same vision? What is your vision for yourself, your life, and your lifestyle? What is their vision for themselves and you?

Finally, what’s the plan? After “Taking it smart”… it’s time to be in or out! Either you are all for moving forward and giving 110% or you’re not. Regarding relationships… giving 110% percent doesn’t mean to move a warp speed, have sex, meet the parents, and get married after one date; although I’m sure there are some amazing success stories out there… (sometimes when you know you know). Deciding to give 110% percent means you chose to share, trust, accept, respect, be yourself, have a willingness to EVOLVE, and learn how to exist as a couple but maintaining your individuality (friends, interests, and necessary time alone). If you apply this approach to all of your relationships, goals, and dreams… how could your life be worse. Happy EVOLVING!!!Share your thought at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow/

written by: Andre Young

Take it Slow? - Andre Young