The Struggle is Real!

People say life is short… in the infinite span of time, space, and the universe; they are correct. Your life and the amount of time you will spend on this planet is short. However, when you are living you’re life day-to-day: working one or more jobs, grinding, paying bills, caring for your kids or parents, and a slave to the schedule you have created for yourself… life can seem LONG! Life can seem tedious, unfair, and exhausting with no real reward coming your way. Ladies and gentlemen, the struggle is real… but the real struggle is not the things you must deal with. The real struggle is making time to EVOLVE. The life duties listed above will not disappear, but the healthier and more joyful you are will change how you are impacted by them.

Most people will demote themselves to last on the depth chart regarding their wants and needs for the sake of their kids, partner, family, job, etc.; losing yourself in the process and living this long life of either stagnation, repeated mistakes, poor relationship choices, resentment and bitterness, just plain old living a boring life, or all of the above. TODAY, I offer you a different way!

Take the Harmonic Wealth Challenge. James Arthur Ray introduced this concept of the five areas, if fulfilled, that lead to a rich life. Financial, Relational, Mental (intellect and emotions), physical, and spiritual. Focus and incorporate each into your daily schedule and begin to EVOLVE!

How can you do financial every day? That could be a stretch… but what if you decided to learn more about money; one less Facebook or Snapchat session… instead… google about money, savings, and investing. Most financial advisors will meet with you for free and develop a savings plan and more importantly an investment plan for YOU and your family for free. Pay yourself first on payday and put that money aside. No matter how little you decide to save for yourself; one hundred dollars per check would be great, but $5.00 per check over time still adds up!

Relational? What is something big or small you can do daily over the next month within your relationship? Perhaps it’s as small as getting your significant other a cup of coffee, maybe it’s a date night, flowers, or something as free as saying something appreciative to them for what they do and sacrifice for YOU and your lifestyle. The latter is severely overlooked! You go to work every day and bust your hump with no raise in sight… and sometimes all it would take is a bit of personal recognition from your superiors and a pat on the back to make all the difference, but you go home and never give that gift to your significant other. TODAY, look your partner in the eyes and gift them with recognition, appreciation, respect, and love.

Mental? Never stop learning. As technology has advanced and information at our fingertips at all times; it amazes me how so many use this triumphant advancement to drone out in a world of Candy Crush, Farming games, etc. Invest in learning something new daily, pick a book to read, watch a documentary, expand to allow a new conversation and network of people in your life.

Physical? In my 20’s, I remember attending a wedding. Most of the people attending were also in their twenties; It amazed me how many beer guts I saw… I remember thinking… typically, the older we get, the worst off most will be. If this is what the starting point looks like and it will only get worse… oh my! Invest in your health and physical fitness. The gym isn’t for everyone, but neither is Diabetes and all the other poor health epidemics out there waiting for you. Make a change nutritionally and physically… you’d be surprised what it does for your health, self-esteem, and in your relationship!

Spiritually? If you are a believer… do things His way and not your way, and things will be OK. There is already a blueprint for you of how to live… all you have to do is respect it. If you are not a believer… I encourage you to find something bigger than YOU to believe and invest in. You cannot do this thing called life alone. At some point… believe in something that is bigger than you and inspires you be your best self, give to others, and brings joy and purpose to your life… and do it daily.

Take the Harmonic Challenge over the next month and observe the difference in your life, your relationships, and YOU! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young