When Enough is Enough!

It’s scary how people can become comfortable with almost anything. If it happens to you and around you long enough… comfortability will eventually set in. Whether it’s becoming comfortable and desensitized to violence; growing up in a “tough” neighborhood, abuse in a terrible relationship, money and privilege in a rich family, or dangerously just existing in your life, job, and marriage. Have you ever reached a point when enough is enough! It’s time for a change, but what to do and who to do it with? This is the time where you will make one of three life changing decisions… to dream and act!… dream and exist… or stop dreaming and drone.

Have you see the zombies walking among us… with little purpose to their existence and frustrated by the roles they “have to” play as workers, parents, partners, etc…. They’ve stopped dreaming and drone negatively throughout their life and yours if you let them. Then there are the dreamers but exisiters; they ponder their dream, but have no real intent or plan to make it happen. Dreaming is good and carries them about as they are content and happy for others who achieve their vision. Then there is the Dreamer who acts…. When enough is enough… when dreaming or droning will no longer do… it’s time to act!

So, what to do? The answer is… work backwards. What’s your dream? As, I’ve mentioned before… most people dream of tangible or material things; there’s nothing wrong with that, but please include your dream in the various roles you play as a significant other, parent, son/daughter, sibling, worker, etc. Do you have your answer?

Now work backwards… for example, your dream is to have a second home at the beach for you and your wife to get away to, your kids to visit when they’re older, and pass down as a legacy for your family. Working backwards… you’d have to purchase the home, find the right home, meet with relator or land development agencies, have good credit, have the money for the down payment, have or earn the money, meet with a financial planner, have a dream… So meet with a financial planner to get your current finances in order and develop your strategy. Another example… you want to be a great husband or wife that your family looks up to… let’s work backwards… You’re that cute old couple walking through the mall holding hands and still in love that everyone envies, you’ve adapted to the changes life has brought your way (physically, emotionally, psychologically), you’ve practiced tolerance and acceptance, allow for separate interest and couple’s interest, raise and cared for your children with love and support, practiced forgiveness, and consistently showed love, honor, and support for one another, their needs, and their dreams.

If you have had enough… and are ready for more… now is YOUR time! What’s your dream? Work backwards to formulate your plan… and Happy EVOLVING!!! Begin to live your best life with You Evolving Now at www.youevolvingnow.com

When Enough is Enough! - Andre Young