M&W Blog – “You are Perfect!”

When you were born; your parents held you, counted your fingers and toes, and introduced you to the world. Your parents blushed and bragged about how perfect you were, took thousands of pictures, and gushed over your perfect face and innocence. When you had or have your child you will do the same. It’s not until you begin to grow, notice your on affect others, attend school, sit in row seating, and get constantly graded and evaluated that the judging begins; constantly judging yourself along with the teenage horror of being judged and compared by everyone else: parent, teachers, coaches, strangers, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc… and once it begins it doesn’t seem to stop. After school we then judge ourselves based on our jobs, our relationship, our homes, status… I can go on and on! We lost our perfection and it’s time to get it back.

The ancient Native American Toltec culture provides an excellent, yet simple, view on perfection. As you stand out in nature or look out of your window and look at a tree… that tree is perfect. As you gaze at a star… that star is perfect. I have never looked at trees and thought one tree was more perfect than another. They are trees and both perfect and different as they are supposed to be. I have never looked at the stars in the sky and pointed out one star being more perfect than another. They are all perfect and make a beautiful starry night! Nature is perfect and works in balance. YOU are a part of that nature and therefore perfect. You may not always behave perfectly, but the fact that you exist makes YOU perfect. The weaknesses you may have provide balance for someone else’s strengths; just as your strengths provide balance for someone else’s weaknesses.

The “B” word is often used in our society and stops us from EVOLVING into our best selves… what is the “B”-Word? BUSY. Are you too busy to acknowledge the perfection of a walk in nature, a sunset, the puffy clouds in the sky, the smell of flowers, your children, your partner, the day you were gifted? Most importantly, YOU were born perfect and the constant evaluation, both societal and personal, has clouded your vision. Enjoy yourself, change what you don’t like, accept and find peace with what you can’t change, enjoy and build-up those around you, and MAKE time to see the perfection in your world! Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or on Twitter @dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

"You are Perfect!"